Announcing the 2021 Tiny Monsters Winners

Woman in black and white (surreal)

Based on public vote, please enjoy the First, Second and Third place winners of our Tiny Monsters Competition. Each story was inspired in some way by the photograph above.


I only meant to leave my body for a little while to explore another realm. But before my return, a lost soul slipped into my shell. Now, I haunt myself.
— ASTRAL THIEF by Lisa Lerma Weber


I am tired of haunting, my love. Forget wrath, let’s meet in the drowned village and walk the submerged streets. A flooded world is a kinder home for the dead.
— RESERVOIR by Alex Bestwick


Rising from the ground like hot air, she twirled and writhed before the men. Greedy mouths desperately sucked in the smoky scent of femininity as their final breath was taken.
— THE WITCH'S LAST DANCE by Elizabeth Smith

Author Biographies

  • Lisa Lerma Weber is haunted by many things. Twitter @LisaLermaWeber

  • Alex Bestwick is a transcriber and student of Publishing and Creative Writing. Twitter @alexbestwick_

  • Elizabeth Smith is a pretend housewife and undercover writer. Twitter @Smithinamillion


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